Dassi E, Re A, Leo S, Tebaldi T, Pasini L, Peroni D and Quattrone A. (2014)
AURA 2: Empowering discovery of post-transcriptional networks.
Translation, 2(1): e27738.
The paper is open access and can be downloaded here.
PMID | Name | Article title | Link | Release |
21071424 | AREsite | AREsite: a database for the comprehensive investigation of AU-rich elements. | 11.2010 | |
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20547637 | DARNED | DARNED: a DAtabase of RNa EDiting in humans. | 1.0 | |
11125122 | dbSNP | dbSNP: the NCBI database of genetic variation. | 137 | |
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21071411 | miRTarBase | miRTarBase: a database curates experimentally validated microRNA-target interactions. | 4.4 | |
18996891 | miRecords | miRecords: an integrated resource for microRNA-target interactions. | 4.0 | |
21036867 | RBPDB | RBPDB: a database of RNA-binding specificities. | 1.2 | |
21037263 | starBase | starBase: a database for exploring microRNA-mRNA interaction maps from Argonaute CLIP-Seq and Degradome-Seq data. | 2.1 | |
12079347 | UCSC foldUtr3 | Secondary structure prediction for aligned RNA sequences. | hg19 | |
12079347 | UCSC foldUtr5 | Secondary structure prediction for aligned RNA sequences. | hg19 | |
23155063 | UCSC Genome Browser | The UCSC Genome Browser database: extensions and updates 2013. | hg19 | |
16024819 | UCSC PhastCons | Evolutionarily conserved elements in vertebrate, insect, worm, and yeast genomes. | hg19 | |
23161681 | UniprotKB | Update on activities at the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) in 2013. | 07.2013 |